Saturday, February 7, 2009


I'm getting complaints here. Anego is commenting on my lack of anything funny to read. I"m so sorry, but is it MY fault my brain has nothing to write about except complaints??? People can only take so much complaining you know! I would like to see her do better!!!!!! Well Hannah? Come on! Come on little puppy dog! let's see how well your brain does! YOu know it's not as effortless as it may seem. Wait... Actually it is... I just need something to rant about. But the problem recently is that none of my rants are any good. And you people definitely don't want to hear them. Believe me. lol Wow I sound emo. Anyone laugh yet? No? Dang. Hmmmmm... Tranny Ken Loves you all by the way. Tranny Ken is my Transvestite Ken Doll. My cousin Dawn doesn't like him, she makes fun of him a lot. Which is kind of sad since I always thought she was the nice cousin. REALITY CHECK! lol She is nice though. Ah! The Bella's Lullaby Project isn't going so well :/ I just started working on it today and I'm getting really confused. It looked pretty simple but there's all these issues with HOW THE HECK DO FLAT NOTES WORK???? And stuff like that lol And there's this one bar where it looks like it goes EBGFEEBFGBEDDCBA but then when I look at it again I find out that there's a wrong note in there because one is going down, so when I go back I find out Hey. But this note is definitely E. It's not F. So something else must be wrong. So then I go back down to the weird not, which ought to be A, but it can't be because A is supposed to be the note below it. IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS!!! I need some hot cocoa. It's too early for this stuff. But I really want to learn it, so maybe it isn't? Speaking of learnign I'm supposed to be getting piano lessons. Yeah they haven't started yet, even though both of my parents ACTUALLY WORKED TOGETGHER to make sure I would. Neither one has actually signed me up yet though... Sigh... Maybe a piano teacher can teach me about sharps and flats again? Mrs. Pollard did, but that was almost four years ago so I barely remember a thing!

Okay Hannah. I tried. It might not be witty, but I wouldn't call it shi-Oh wait. I can't say that on here. ^.~<3
Have a nice day!


Wendster said...

So glad you stopped yourself from cursing in public. Good call.

Glad to see a new post from you my dear.

You ALWAYS make me laugh ... even when you rant.

Wendster said...

... and so glad you wrote down those notes for me. hemmm. I'll just remember that sequence all the way to the piano in the garage. LOL.

Wendster said...

Oh ... and flat notes are a HALF STEP down from the line it's written on ... so if the note is on the line for C, but it has a flat ... you go down one half step to B ... because there are no black notes between C and B ... it's just a half step. but if B were flat, you would go from the white key, B, to the black key directly below it ... a half step below it to be specific, because flats are a half step down from the line it's written on... and going down to A would be a WHOLE step ... and that would be going to an entirely different note, rather than a half step down.

Does that help?

Piano lessons start this Thursday.

Wendster said...

Are you excited for your first piano lesson on Thursday?

And hows about a new post?

Let's find something for you to rant about:

I threw away all of your shoes.

heh heh.

What will you say about THAT?

Say it on your blog. We want a new post.

(And I didn't really throw away your shoes. Ask me quickly and I'll still remember where I hid them.)

Wendster said...

How about complaints from people who want to read a post? And where is Narice?

You must go post comments on other people's blogs so they have a link back to your blog so they can find you easily ... that's the key to getting commenters. Just a tip.

I love you!

Squeakers said...

O.o LMBO!!!! OMG! That was funny! I saw Angeo and I was all "O.O Oh shoot I'm in trouble >< lol" I'll be posting a video tonight I don't know if it will hit funny but I'm hopeing that it atleast interests you.