Saturday, August 22, 2009

How I came to be Bex, Queen of the Butterflies.

Any of you who have seen my username on MySpace (your space? No. *MY* space.) will understand what I'm talking about. However, since a good many of you have NOT seen my MySpace (your space? No. *MY* space), I will tell you all what I'm talkig about. Awhile ago I became Bex, Queen of the Butterflies. It has been a mystery to the world how I became such a fantastic ruler. Recently I have decided to release the story to the press, so if you see my picture and a headline about Butterflies in the National Enquirer, do not be alarmed. Since I am gracious, I will give you all the direct story since who knows what will happen to it once word gets around. Please educate yourself about my history.
This is how I came to be Bex, Queen of the Butterflies:
Once upon a time, in a far away land, and on a far away hill, I went on a walk. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, and I was surrounded by charming little garden gnomes, whose jobs are to tend the flowers on the hill (Which, I must say, were very cheerful).
Suddenly, I saw a butterfly coming towards me! Soon followed by another and another and another! I was surrounded by a swarm of colors! Pulsating and flying all around me I heard millions of tiny flutterby voices whispering and shouting alike "We've been waiting for you! You are to be our Queen! Come to California and reign for eternity! Bring about the Golden Age of the Butterfly Flutterby Patrol! Whence nectar shall overflow from the flowers and the world will be bright forever!"
Flattered, I accepted their offer, for who can resist overflowing nectar? I ascended onto the backs of the Butterfly Brigade, waved good by to the awestruck (but charming in their awestruck states none the less) garden gnomes, and was escorted politely and promptly to my current kingdom where myself and my subjects live in peace, harmony, and joy


Squeakers said...

So seriously how DID you become Bex, Queen of the Butterflies?

Pamela said...


Wendster said...

Yes ... and how large WERE those butterflies you rode on?

Like the ones in Dr. Dolittle? Like THOSE butterflies? Those are HUGE. And where are they now? Can I ride one? Can you hook me up? Since you are their queeeeen?

LOL ... funny story.

Rebecca said...

Hannah: A tale for another day.
Pamela: ^.^
MOm: It's not so much size as it is quantity. Think fish from Finding Nemo.