... I had completely forgotten about this place... heh... heh...
I guess it's time to update then!
Guess who's sick again! This time it's due to either my bffl Amanda, or my friend Jonathon's fault. It may be Tristan's though... Who knows. Certainly not I.
Another bit of news, even though I was hacking up a lung last night, I went to Winter Formal! And. It. Was. FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shockingly enough I actually danced. Even though the music was crap. (That's rap with a silent c) And I had a date too ;P well technically at least. My friend didn't have a date, I didn't have a date, so we joined up and Ferny was my impromptu date!
The next word it "Ms." ^.^
You guys stumped yet? lol
<3 Rebecca