No seriously. WHY?!?!?!? WHAT DID THEY EVER DO TO THE WORLD TO DIE IN EVERY FREAKING MOVIE!!!!!????????!!!!!!!! In Rent. In Moulin Rouge. In the LITTLE MERMAID 3!!!! EVEN IN THE LITTLE MERMAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Ariel's mom was a redhead.) THE REDHEAD ALWAYS DIES.
What I would like to know is WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHY MUST WE DIE?!?!?!? THIS is why there will be NO F*()%^&$* REDHEADS 100 YEARS FROM NOW!!! It is because the Redheads always die that I'm currently tearing up due to the stupid beautifully tragic, tragically beautiful ending of Moulin Rouge.
Speaking of which, I saw the Moulin Rouge in person when we went to France.
It was very... sensual. And yes I'm talking about the outside.
Well I'll say one thing about the Europeans. They certainly don't have many inhibitions.
Anyways. The movie has some of the most beautiful duets I've ever heard. Well, most of them actually. Some of them actually come close to beating "The Phantom of the Opera" not the musical, but the song in the musical.
I'm thinking about dressing up as Satine for my mom's halloween party. Or Roxanne. One or the other. Either way: RED DRESS!!!!!! l-l311 70 7l-l3 fr34k1n9 y34h!
Oh wait...
You people don't speak l337.
My apologies.
Might I suggest you learn? XD
<3 Bex, Queen of the Butterflies
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
So as most of the world doesn't know,
I make comic strips when I'm bored. Yup. And since what semblance of a life that I once had has now been entirely devoted to Yearbook and AP English (Mrs. Bean the teacher TOTALLY ROX MAJOR SOXAGE!!!) I shall defer from writing a humorous rant about my life and let you live in my world of fiction for a few moments. Ok, bye bye now! Buh bye, guh bye! Ok buh bye! Toy Story 2. Anyone seen it? The bloopers make me lol. lol
OK, Here's the words!
Headline: Phantom Meets Rebecca!
Square 1: Becca- Tralalalalala... Going for a walk!
Square 2: Narrator- But somewhere farther down the street... *visual of Phantom playing the organ maniacally and awesomely!*
Square 3: Narrator- As he celebrates his compositional triumph with maniacal laughter... Phantom- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Becca- !!! (Arrow pointing says too cool for te sidewalk)
Square 4: Phantom- ???. Narrator whispering- Becca makes a sneak attack! "Hunted down by everyone" is being take literally!
Square 5: ULTIMATE FAN GLOMP! Of Doom and Destruction.
Square 6: Becca Thought Bubble- Dream coming true! Phantom- Oof! Ooow...
Enjoy. I've got approximately four more. But I'm only in possession of three of them sop I'll have to hunt down the fourth. Be ye forewarned. Blood may be shed.

Headline: Phantom Meets Rebecca!
Square 1: Becca- Tralalalalala... Going for a walk!
Square 2: Narrator- But somewhere farther down the street... *visual of Phantom playing the organ maniacally and awesomely!*
Square 3: Narrator- As he celebrates his compositional triumph with maniacal laughter... Phantom- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Becca- !!! (Arrow pointing says too cool for te sidewalk)
Square 4: Phantom- ???. Narrator whispering- Becca makes a sneak attack! "Hunted down by everyone" is being take literally!
Square 5: ULTIMATE FAN GLOMP! Of Doom and Destruction.
Square 6: Becca Thought Bubble- Dream coming true! Phantom- Oof! Ooow...
Enjoy. I've got approximately four more. But I'm only in possession of three of them sop I'll have to hunt down the fourth. Be ye forewarned. Blood may be shed.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Sorry for the considerable lack of witticisms
Yeah. This one won't be being too funny, but still... it's dear to my heart.
There is a piano in my garage and it is beautiful. It isn't beautiful to the sight, no certainly not, because several pieces of ivory are missing and the brass pedals are tarnished and broken. There are spiderwebs adorning every corner of that piano, so no. It's not at all beautiful to look at, but I love the way the wood shines in the dim light.
My piano, or so I wish it were, is beautiful because of the things it has done.
I compare it to a grand piano in a music store with it's gleaming black and white contrasts, perfectly segregated, and perfectly intact. Given the opportunity, there is not one piece of me that would trade my piano with it's chipped wood and stained varnish for that new grand piano, because what has that piano done for anyone?
It hasn't evoked laughter by playing a funny song. It hasn't made three little children so happy that they spontaneously start dancing while their mother plays their favorite song. It hasn't taught a naive child how to bring forth the beautiful music it holds secret inside it's treasure box.
All that grand piano has done is sit in a store
and look pretty.
And, to put it frankly, who needs that?
I'll save the witticisms for next time ;) <3>
Monday, July 7, 2008
I'm Nocturnal Now
So as the title of this here blog says, I am now officially nocturnal.
No sleeping at night for me.
My fault for staying up until ridiculous hours of the morning and sleeping in until nine in the morning lol.
So now I get to enjoy the experience of having the house all to myself whilst the family sleeps on.
What's that mom? The house got trashed over night? Hm. Wonder how that happened... *flashback of one person raging rave party* Heh. Nope no idea what so ever as to what you're talking about.
So what do I do to fill my time until I get tired?
Oh the possibilities are endless.
Like, I wonder why my hair seems to be falling out. And why it never seemed to fall out before it got cut short.
And I read a lot. Oh what bliss ^.^
And I even clean on occasion.
Very rare occasion.
What's that? You woke up to an immaculate house this morning Mum? Huh... I wonder how that happened... *flashback to intense cleaning frenzy similar to Cinderella's frantic cleaning in Shrek 3. (If you haven't seen Shrek 3 then she's basically gone insane and is scrubbing everything ceaselessly.)*
And tonight I have decided that I'm actually going to read other people's blogs.
Although it does seem strange to read about other people who I don't know and have never known and who don't know me.
Kinda like invasion of privacy. Although that completely cancels out the point of a blog...
Na ja.
No sleeping at night for me.
My fault for staying up until ridiculous hours of the morning and sleeping in until nine in the morning lol.
So now I get to enjoy the experience of having the house all to myself whilst the family sleeps on.
What's that mom? The house got trashed over night? Hm. Wonder how that happened... *flashback of one person raging rave party* Heh. Nope no idea what so ever as to what you're talking about.
So what do I do to fill my time until I get tired?
Oh the possibilities are endless.
Like, I wonder why my hair seems to be falling out. And why it never seemed to fall out before it got cut short.
And I read a lot. Oh what bliss ^.^
And I even clean on occasion.
Very rare occasion.
What's that? You woke up to an immaculate house this morning Mum? Huh... I wonder how that happened... *flashback to intense cleaning frenzy similar to Cinderella's frantic cleaning in Shrek 3. (If you haven't seen Shrek 3 then she's basically gone insane and is scrubbing everything ceaselessly.)*
And tonight I have decided that I'm actually going to read other people's blogs.
Although it does seem strange to read about other people who I don't know and have never known and who don't know me.
Kinda like invasion of privacy. Although that completely cancels out the point of a blog...
Na ja.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The cad the cad the cad the cad!!!!!!!!!! The great, big, bloody cad!!!!!!!!! What a cad Mr. Lefroy is! How DARE he do that to Jane?!?!
No. Wait. How dare Jane do that to him?
Wait. No. I am completely and irrevocably on Jane's side.
I must say though, it was a beautiful movie.
But I can't tell if it was a happy ending or a sad one.
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, congratulations. I have no idea as to why congratulations are in order, though. Through the effects of the movie Becoming Jane I have come to write in a rather formal, old fashioned, and educated way. if I begin to spout words such as "impermissible" and "profligate" you have my official permission to whack me over the head with a haddock until I begin again to speak English. *dodges haddock* I say! I haven't yet begun to use that sort of language! *dodges another haddock* Oh the impropriety! Alright. That deserved a haddock. What? No, I am not mentally incapacitated. There really is a haddock right there. Yes. and it is attempting to beat me around the head using it's body. Yes. Really. Can't you see it? Where did it go?! It was right there a second ago. I swear it was...
No. Wait. How dare Jane do that to him?
Wait. No. I am completely and irrevocably on Jane's side.
I must say though, it was a beautiful movie.
But I can't tell if it was a happy ending or a sad one.
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, congratulations. I have no idea as to why congratulations are in order, though. Through the effects of the movie Becoming Jane I have come to write in a rather formal, old fashioned, and educated way. if I begin to spout words such as "impermissible" and "profligate" you have my official permission to whack me over the head with a haddock until I begin again to speak English. *dodges haddock* I say! I haven't yet begun to use that sort of language! *dodges another haddock* Oh the impropriety! Alright. That deserved a haddock. What? No, I am not mentally incapacitated. There really is a haddock right there. Yes. and it is attempting to beat me around the head using it's body. Yes. Really. Can't you see it? Where did it go?! It was right there a second ago. I swear it was...
Monday, May 26, 2008
my Story
So my latest dilema has been what to write for my final for Creative Writing. usually inspiration strikes after the first day or so, usually actually it strikes when I hear what the assignement is. But for this, I had NOTHING. Abdoslutely nothing. Well nothing substantial... And then I tried to base a story on my bff and that was going alright until last night. When I had the craziest dream ever. Some parts will be crazy, because you know it was a dream and dreams rarely makes sense, so bear with me. It went like this:
In my dream it was definitely sci fi because there was way advanced technology and there’s no such thing in real life today. It was somewhat like in the Uglies series because we were all watched over by electronics, kind of like 1984 but not quite so dusty. We were setting up club houses deep deep underground were we could speak freely with out being watched, which was illegal. It worked for awhile but then someone tipped off the people who were in charge of watching us and they knew where all of the secret clubhouses were. Most of us were captured, but me and two other girls survived, somehow they missed us. Maybe we hid? I don’t know. But we survived to try again, except this time it was less high tech and we were less well supplied. We didn’t have much food and somehow we hunted even though we never ventured outside. Then fro some strange reason I was changing clothes and thought I saw someone and went running after them in, well let's just say I wasn't weraing the most layers I've ever worn in my life, and it turned out to be a group of boys that lived just down the hall or club houses. I went to their room and demanded to know why tey were spying on me dressing, and then I had a realization. “Wait. You’re alive? You survived?! I thought we were the only-?” and then I looked across the hall and saw a cafeteria with actual pizza, which was a delicacy by then I think and got very much morally outraged. “YOU HAVE A CAFETERIA?!?!?! And here we’ve been fending for ourselves!!!!!!! And you have chefs. Bloody CHEFS!!!!! Bastards!!!” and then I was clothed again and me and my group of survivors were making friends. Then after dinner one of the girls in my group was going back to her room or something and she stayed too long under one of the scanner sensor things that can find out if you are supposed to be there or not by reading your eye DNA or something, but if you go past it really fast they can't read it and they won't know who you are and the whole colony is safe from the superiors. I don't know why they hadn't disabled it or something, but tey hadn't and she forgot it was there and she was just standing there and this time the superiors came and definitely got everyone. No survivors that time.
Idiot girl.
After that I woke up thanks to Hannah's alarm clock. Which wouldn't shut up. Grrrr...
This was the setting: Clean school like hallways, with school like carpets, but it wasn't a school because there were beds and stuff, but it was very clean and secretive. And quiet. No music was playing anywhere.
I get the feeling I've been there before too.
What a crazy dream.
This will be my story.
In my dream it was definitely sci fi because there was way advanced technology and there’s no such thing in real life today. It was somewhat like in the Uglies series because we were all watched over by electronics, kind of like 1984 but not quite so dusty. We were setting up club houses deep deep underground were we could speak freely with out being watched, which was illegal. It worked for awhile but then someone tipped off the people who were in charge of watching us and they knew where all of the secret clubhouses were. Most of us were captured, but me and two other girls survived, somehow they missed us. Maybe we hid? I don’t know. But we survived to try again, except this time it was less high tech and we were less well supplied. We didn’t have much food and somehow we hunted even though we never ventured outside. Then fro some strange reason I was changing clothes and thought I saw someone and went running after them in, well let's just say I wasn't weraing the most layers I've ever worn in my life, and it turned out to be a group of boys that lived just down the hall or club houses. I went to their room and demanded to know why tey were spying on me dressing, and then I had a realization. “Wait. You’re alive? You survived?! I thought we were the only-?” and then I looked across the hall and saw a cafeteria with actual pizza, which was a delicacy by then I think and got very much morally outraged. “YOU HAVE A CAFETERIA?!?!?! And here we’ve been fending for ourselves!!!!!!! And you have chefs. Bloody CHEFS!!!!! Bastards!!!” and then I was clothed again and me and my group of survivors were making friends. Then after dinner one of the girls in my group was going back to her room or something and she stayed too long under one of the scanner sensor things that can find out if you are supposed to be there or not by reading your eye DNA or something, but if you go past it really fast they can't read it and they won't know who you are and the whole colony is safe from the superiors. I don't know why they hadn't disabled it or something, but tey hadn't and she forgot it was there and she was just standing there and this time the superiors came and definitely got everyone. No survivors that time.
Idiot girl.
After that I woke up thanks to Hannah's alarm clock. Which wouldn't shut up. Grrrr...
This was the setting: Clean school like hallways, with school like carpets, but it wasn't a school because there were beds and stuff, but it was very clean and secretive. And quiet. No music was playing anywhere.
I get the feeling I've been there before too.
What a crazy dream.
This will be my story.
Monday, March 24, 2008
This one...
... is here to not be complained in. Because it would seem that in all of my other posts i complain a lot. This gets on my nerves, so I'm going to remedy the situation! Muahaha! I shall speak on te subject of the Phantom of the Opera, the BEST MUSICAL EVER. EVER!!!! It's so incredibly awesome!!!!!!!!!! If you haven't seen it, then shame on you. You MUST go rent it and watch it TONIGHT. With your loved ones or by yourself. Either way. I don't care. Just MAKES SURE YOU SEE IT at least ONCE before you die. Because if you haven't you haven't lived! Mom and I are going to go see it live!! This is the highlight of my life right now! I can't believe that the POTO is actually coming to California!!!!!!!! OMG I can't wait!!! ^.^ It's gonna be AWESOME!! But I might get kicked out for singing along too loud, or trying to fanglomp the Phantom. And if you don't know what that is, I suggest you find out lol. Basically it's a tackle hug. One of my specialties. Ask Chelly. She'll tell you lol. Baka-senpai and Gavin and pretty much anyone else who I'm happy to see gets them too so if you ask any of them they will all say: If she tries to glomp you run! It hurts like h***!!
But that means that I'm doing it right ^.^
As I said before, one of my specialties.
And fun too!
You can find an example on youtube I'm sure lol
The next word is Say.
What would Ms. Kasner say/ T?
But that means that I'm doing it right ^.^
As I said before, one of my specialties.
And fun too!
You can find an example on youtube I'm sure lol
The next word is Say.
What would Ms. Kasner say/ T?
This Post is Appropriately Labeled: Drugs.
This post is dedicated to drugs. Or rather, the effect they have on me.
Now I know you probably think I'm talking about cocaine and Marijuana and all that stupid crap, but I'm not. I'm actually talking about diphenhydromine, or however you spell it T.T
Well let's call it Dippy for short.
Dippy, while extremely helpful with the stopping my stupid bloody skin from itching every single minute of every single bloody day, makes me incredibly sleepy. And this pisses me off. Sure I sleep better at night, but I can't just take it when I'm about to go to bed! Nope. I take it in the morning too. So this is not going to be good after spring break is over and it's time to head to first period at the ungodly hour of 7:50 AM. (Really having to get up before 8 should be illegal!!) And while it's a good thing that my first period involves moving around so it'll be more difficult to fall asleep, that will just worsen what will happen in second period, which just happens to be Honors English 11. If you have ever taken an honors class before then you will understand just how boring it can be. HE11+Dippy+Becca= Detention for falling asleep during class. And while Ms. Diaz is the sweetest teacher EVER she will get tired of my insolence eventually and then I will indeed get detention.
Proves for an interesting day I think.
Oh yes!
HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!! A day late. Na ja. I tried. lol
The nextest word is being: Kasner.
Which means that the sentence so far is: What would Ms. Kasner S/T.
I like your guesses though! Very creative! Keep up the good work ^.^
Now I know you probably think I'm talking about cocaine and Marijuana and all that stupid crap, but I'm not. I'm actually talking about diphenhydromine, or however you spell it T.T
Well let's call it Dippy for short.
Dippy, while extremely helpful with the stopping my stupid bloody skin from itching every single minute of every single bloody day, makes me incredibly sleepy. And this pisses me off. Sure I sleep better at night, but I can't just take it when I'm about to go to bed! Nope. I take it in the morning too. So this is not going to be good after spring break is over and it's time to head to first period at the ungodly hour of 7:50 AM. (Really having to get up before 8 should be illegal!!) And while it's a good thing that my first period involves moving around so it'll be more difficult to fall asleep, that will just worsen what will happen in second period, which just happens to be Honors English 11. If you have ever taken an honors class before then you will understand just how boring it can be. HE11+Dippy+Becca= Detention for falling asleep during class. And while Ms. Diaz is the sweetest teacher EVER she will get tired of my insolence eventually and then I will indeed get detention.
Proves for an interesting day I think.
Oh yes!
HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!! A day late. Na ja. I tried. lol
The nextest word is being: Kasner.
Which means that the sentence so far is: What would Ms. Kasner S/T.
I like your guesses though! Very creative! Keep up the good work ^.^
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Winter Formal!
Friday, February 1, 2008
To tell you the truth...
... I had completely forgotten about this place... heh... heh...
I guess it's time to update then!
Guess who's sick again! This time it's due to either my bffl Amanda, or my friend Jonathon's fault. It may be Tristan's though... Who knows. Certainly not I.
Another bit of news, even though I was hacking up a lung last night, I went to Winter Formal! And. It. Was. FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shockingly enough I actually danced. Even though the music was crap. (That's rap with a silent c) And I had a date too ;P well technically at least. My friend didn't have a date, I didn't have a date, so we joined up and Ferny was my impromptu date!
The next word it "Ms." ^.^
You guys stumped yet? lol
<3 Rebecca
I guess it's time to update then!
Guess who's sick again! This time it's due to either my bffl Amanda, or my friend Jonathon's fault. It may be Tristan's though... Who knows. Certainly not I.
Another bit of news, even though I was hacking up a lung last night, I went to Winter Formal! And. It. Was. FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shockingly enough I actually danced. Even though the music was crap. (That's rap with a silent c) And I had a date too ;P well technically at least. My friend didn't have a date, I didn't have a date, so we joined up and Ferny was my impromptu date!
The next word it "Ms." ^.^
You guys stumped yet? lol
<3 Rebecca
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